Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Transit Money Made Available

In this climate of SAFETEA-LU extensions and short-term continuing resolutions, the Federal Transit Adminsitration (FTA) is rather constrained in its ability to allocate transit funds to states and communities. Every so often, the statutory window opens, and some funds are made available.

On February 8, 2011, FTA published a notice allocating formula-based transit funds for the first 5/12 of the current federal fiscal year. This notice provides partial apportionments and allocations for: statewide and metropolitan transit planning (Sections 5303 and 5304), urbanized area transit grants (Section 5307), fixed-guideway modernization (an element of Section 5309), elderly persons and individuals with disabilities transit capital (Section 5310), rural transit grants (Section 5311), job access and reverse commute grants (Section 5316), and new freedom transit grants (Section 5317).

For details, see the notice on FTA's website at NOTE: although this notice was "officially" published in the February 8, 2011, Federal Register, that notice contains formatting errors that arose during the Federal Register publishing process; please rely on FTA's website, and not the as-published Federal Register, for the most accurate information (besides, the FTA page will include any updates and additional allocations as those become available).

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