Tuesday, September 22, 2009

FTA Announces TIGGER Grant Winners, short-term extension looms for SAFETEA-LU

Yesterday, DOT Secretary Ray LaHood announced the 43 recipients of $100 million in competitive ARRA grants under the Transit Investments for Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction (TIGGER) grant program. As described in the official DOT press release, these grants are for a variety of bus, facility and rail projects in urban, suburban and rural areas. Writing for DC.Streetsblog, Elana Schor reminds us that the $1.5 billion multimodal pool of US DOT "TIGER" grants (not to be confused with the FTA "TIGGER" grants) are slated to be revealed this autumn, as well.

In another of Elana's DC.Streetsblog postings, news is out that the wheels are in motion for a 3-month extension of SAFETEA-LU. Recall that there is a raging debate in DC about whether to extend SAFETEA-LU for 18 months, or reauthorize it immediately. In any event, some kind of extension becomes necessary as the current highway/transit authorization expires on Sept. 30.

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