Friday, June 19, 2009

Some ARRA funds available for transit operating assistance


Urban and rural transit providers are slated to gain some operating assistance flexibility with their American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds, based on a provision tucked into a supplemental appropriations measure (HR 2346), which President Obama signed into law on June 24.

Under this provision, 10 percent of formula-based ARRA allocations to states and urbanized areas may be used "for the operating costs of equipment and facilities for use in public transportation, or for [rural intercity bus] activities under Section 5311(f)."

FTA Administrator Peter M. Rogoff has issued a "Dear Colleague" letter announcing this provision. His letter, which includes a link to FTA's detailed questions and answers on this topic, can be found on the FTA website at

The New York Times recently ran a story illustrating the need and anticipation for this feature of the new bill:

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